Your gift will enable and support persons with disabilities and their caregivers through ABLE’s rehabilitation, respite and transport programmes and services. All donations are eligible for 250% tax deductions.

You can make a donation via these channels:

Use PayNow to make a donation

ABLE UEN 201022774G

*Please click here to fill up this form as we will need your information for verification and tax-deduction purposes.

Click the link to make a donation via

Donate online via ABLE’s page on the website

Make a donation via Credit Card

Please click here to donate via Credit Card.

Click here to fill up this form as we will need your information for verification and tax-deduction purposes.

Make a donation via Cheque

Please make your cheque payable to “ABLE” and click here to fill up this form as we will need your information for verification and tax-deduction purposes

Donations will enable people and change lives through our programmes and services. 

*All ongoing fundraising activities that we conduct are published on our website here and social media pages here

If you suspect anyone of conducting unauthorised fundraising activities in ABLE’s name, please take down their names, location where you were approached or note their physical appearance and alert the Police. Please alert ABLE as well by contacting us via email or at +65 6801 7460.C

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