“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
ABLE’s Return-to-Work (RTW) programme supports clients who want to return to work. This entails providing career coaching and job placement for individuals looking for new, suitable and sustainable employment. As for clients returning to their existing employment, our employment team coordinates with their employers to ensure a seamless transition from a healthcare setting to the workplace. The team also works on clients’ transferable skills development and on-the-job training to help them ease into the working environment.
The Return-To-Work (RTW) programme is ABLE’s signature rehabilitation programme that focuses on enabling persons with physical disabilities to be independent through gainful employment and reintegrating into the community successfully. We reach out to employers to advocate for our clients’ abilities and strengths.
This individualised programme is created after consultation with the clients to better understand and address their therapeutic, psychosocial and employability needs. ABLE’s multi-disciplinary Rehabilitation team offers a comprehensive suite of services that may comprise of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, employment support, training and social work assistance. Ideally, after undertaking the programme, ABLE’s clients will be able to care for themselves and attain gainful employment.
ABLE assists them by arranging necessary trainings, conducting on-site visits and job support to help clients with the transition. Occupation-focused interventions, such as simulated work activities and work conditioning, are used to enable pre-vocational readiness. Psychosocial support is rendered to help clients heal and rebuild social structures in their RTW journey.
To apply for ABLE’s employment services, please download the registration form and submit the completed form by email to enquiries@able-sg.org .

Guide for Inclusive Employers
Keen to employ people with physical challenges but not sure where to start?
We also conduct proactive outreach and education to employers to harness job opportunities and advocate for inclusive hiring practices. The team works in close partnership with employers, community partners and other stakeholders to enable clients to optimise their abilities beyond expectations and limitations.
Drop us an email at enquiries@able-sg.org to gain access to ABLE’s Guide for Inclusive Employers and find out how ABLE can support you on your inclusive employment journey.

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